M2 Docs
questlua_dungeon.cpp File Reference


 d.join will be internally handled differently More...


int32_t dungeon_notice (lua_State *L)
 it will send a notice [text] inside the current dungeon More...
int32_t dungeon_set_quest_flag (lua_State *L)
 it will change the current quest's [flag_name] to [flag_value] from everyone inside the current dungeon More...
int32_t dungeon_set_flag (lua_State *L)
 it will change the current dungeon's flag [flag_name] to [flag_value] More...
int32_t dungeon_get_flag (lua_State *L)
 lua will return the current dungeon's flag [flag_name]'s value More...
int32_t dungeon_get_flag_from_map_index (lua_State *L)
 lua will return the dungeon [map_index]'s flag [flag_name]'s value More...
int32_t dungeon_get_map_index (lua_State *L)
 lua will return the current dungeon's map index More...
int32_t dungeon_regen_file (lua_State *L)
 it will read and spawn ONCE the regen file [regen_filename], respawn event NOT included, in the current dungeon More...
int32_t dungeon_set_regen_file (lua_State *L)
 it will read and spawn the regen file [regen_filename], respawn event included, in the current dungeon More...
int32_t dungeon_clear_regen (lua_State *L)
 it will clear any regen of the current dungeon More...
int32_t dungeon_check_eliminated (lua_State *L)
 it there will be 0 monsters in the current dungeon, it will check if an exit or warp condition has been set, and creates the relative event runned after n seconds (specified by d.set_exit/warp_all_at_eliminate) More...
int32_t dungeon_set_exit_all_at_eliminate (lua_State *L)
 it will set an exit all condition after [seconds] in the current dungeon; it's triggered by d.check_eliminated and only if there is no monster left. More...
int32_t dungeon_set_warp_at_eliminate (lua_State *L)
 it will set a warp all condition after [seconds] to map [map_index] coordinates [map_x] [map_y], inside the current dungeon;
it's triggered either by d.check_eliminated when there is no monster left or if [regen_filename] has been cleared More...
int32_t dungeon_new_jump (lua_State *L)
 it will create a new dungeon instance from map [map_index] and warp yourself to the generated map at [world_x] [world_y] coordinates More...
int32_t dungeon_new_jump_guild (lua_State *L)
 it will create a new dungeon instance from map [map_index] and warp you and every guild member of yours of your current map to the generated map at [world_x] [world_y] coordinates More...
int32_t dungeon_new_jump_all (lua_State *L)
 it will create a new dungeon instance from map [map_index] and warp you and everyone else of your current map to the generated map at [world_x] [world_y] coordinates More...
int32_t dungeon_new_jump_party (lua_State *L)
 it will create a new dungeon instance from map [map_index] and warp you and every party member of yours of your current map to the generated map at [world_x] [world_y] coordinates More...
int32_t dungeon_jump_all (lua_State *L)
 it will warp you and every party member of yours in the current dungeon at [world_x] [world_y] coordinates (no uiloading refresh) More...
int32_t dungeon_warp_all (lua_State *L)
 it will warp you and every party member of yours in the current dungeon at [world_x] [world_y] coordinates (there will be a uiloading refresh) More...
int32_t dungeon_get_kill_stone_count (lua_State *L)
 lua will return the count of every metin stone destroyed in the current dungeon
[unk1] and [unk2] are unused, but required, otherwise it will return 0 (two random numbers is enough) More...
int32_t dungeon_get_kill_mob_count (lua_State *L)
 lua will return the count of every monster destroyed in the current dungeon
[unk1] and [unk2] are unused, but required, otherwise it will return 0 (two random numbers is enough) More...
int32_t dungeon_is_use_potion (lua_State *L)
 lua will return false if you cannot use potions in the current dungeon, true otherwise (don't use it for the contrary reason)
[unk1] and [unk2] are unused, but required, otherwise it will return true (two random numbers is enough) More...
int32_t dungeon_revived (lua_State *L)
 lua will return false if you cannot be revived in the current dungeon, true otherwise (don't use it for the contrary reason)
[unk1] and [unk2] are unused, but required, otherwise it will return true (two random numbers is enough) More...
int32_t dungeon_set_dest (lua_State *L)
 it will move your current dungeon's party to the local [map_x] and [map_y] coordinates, no refresh (mostly client-side) More...
int32_t dungeon_unique_set_maxhp (lua_State *L)
 it will set the unique mob [unique_name]'s max hp to [max_hp] (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_unique_set_hp (lua_State *L)
 it will set the unique mob [unique_name]'s hp to [hp] (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_unique_set_def_grade (lua_State *L)
 it will set the unique mob [unique_name]'s def_grade to [def_grade] (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_unique_get_hp_perc (lua_State *L)
 lua will return the unique mob [unique_name]'s hp percent (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_is_unique_dead (lua_State *L)
 lua will return whether or not the unique mob [unique_name] dungeon is dead (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_purge_unique (lua_State *L)
 it will purge (destroy/make disappear) the unique mob [unique_name] (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_purge_area (lua_State *L)
 it will purge (destroy/make disappear) all the monsters in the square range [StartPosX],[StartPosY] until [EndPosX],[EndPosY] (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_kill_area (lua_State *L)
 it will kill all the monsters in the square range [StartPosX],[StartPosY] until [EndPosX],[EndPosY] (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_kill_unique (lua_State *L)
 it will kill the unique mob [unique_name] (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_spawn_stone_door (lua_State *L)
 it will spawn a stone door (vnum 13001) with the unique name [unique_name] in the area name [area_name] (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_spawn_wooden_door (lua_State *L)
 it will spawn a wooden door (vnum 13000) with the unique name [unique_name] in the area name [area_name] (in the current dungeon)
its hp/max_hp are hardcoded to 10000, and def grade to 300 (unique bonus) More...
int32_t dungeon_spawn_move_group (lua_State *L)
 it will spawn a monster group [group_id] in the area [pos_from],[pos_to] (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_spawn_move_unique (lua_State *L)
 it will spawn the monster [mob_vnum] with unique name [unique_name] in the area [pos_from],[pos_to] (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_spawn_unique (lua_State *L)
 it will spawn the monster [mob_vnum] with unique name [unique_name] in the area [area_name] (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_spawn (lua_State *L)
 it will spawn the monster [mob_vnum] in the area [area_name] (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_set_unique (lua_State *L)
 it will set to the monster [mob_vid] the unique name [unique_name] (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_get_damage_from_race (lua_State *L)
 lua will return the DamageRaceFlag of the mob [mob_vid]
available even outside of dungeons, like with the return of the spawn_mob0 func More...
int32_t dungeon_get_damage_from_affect (lua_State *L)
 lua will return the list of any DamageAffectFlag of the mob [mob_vid]
available even outside of dungeons, like with the return of the spawn_mob0 func More...
int32_t dungeon_set_damage_from_race (lua_State *L)
 it will append the DamageRaceFlag [damage_race_flag] to the mob [mob_vid]
available even outside of dungeons, like with the return of the spawn_mob0 func More...
int32_t dungeon_set_damage_from_affect (lua_State *L)
 it will append the DamageAffectFlag [damage_affect_flag] to the mob [mob_vid]
available even outside of dungeons, like with the return of the spawn_mob0 func More...
int32_t dungeon_unset_damage_from_race (lua_State *L)
 it will remove the DamageRaceFlag [damage_race_flag] from the mob [mob_vid]
available even outside of dungeons, like with the return of the spawn_mob0 func More...
int32_t dungeon_unset_damage_from_affect (lua_State *L)
 it will remove the DamageAffectFlag [damage_affect_flag] from the mob [mob_vid] More...
int32_t dungeon_reset_damage_from_race (lua_State *L)
 it will remove all the DamageRaceFlag from the mob [mob_vid]
available even outside of dungeons, like with the return of the spawn_mob0 func More...
int32_t dungeon_reset_damage_from_affect (lua_State *L)
 it will remove all the DamageAffectFlag from the mob [mob_vid]
available even outside of dungeons, like with the return of the spawn_mob0 func More...
int32_t dungeon_is_available0 (lua_State *L)
 lua will return true if the current dungeon is not nullptr, false otherwise More...
int32_t dungeon_get_unique_vid (lua_State *L)
 lua will return the vid of the specific [unique_name] monster (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_spawn_mob (lua_State *L)
 it will spawn a mob [mob_vnum] in the coordinates [map_x][map_y] (in the current dungeon)
if [radius] is specified, the spawn coordinates will be affect by a little
if [count] is specified, there will be spawned a total of [count] mobs instead of one, and the returned vid will be the one of the first spawned one More...
int32_t dungeon_spawn_mob_dir (lua_State *L)
 it will spawn a mob [mob_vnum] in the coordinates [map_x][map_y] and in the direction of [direction] (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_spawn_mob_ac_dir (lua_State *L)
 it will spawn a mob [mob_vnum] in the coordinates [map_x][map_y] and in the direction of [direction] (in the current dungeon)
the spawned monster will have no spawn effect More...
int32_t dungeon_spawn_goto_mob (lua_State *L)
 it will spawn a mob (vnum 20039) in the square range from [from_x][from_y] to [to_x][to_y] More...
int32_t dungeon_spawn_name_mob (lua_State *L)
 it will spawn a mob [mob_vnum] in [map_x][map_y] with the name [name] (mostly, for NPCs) More...
int32_t dungeon_spawn_group (lua_State *L)
 it will spawn the mob group [group_vnum] in [map_x][map_y] with radius [radius] and the aggressive flag as [is_aggressive] for [count] times
the [radius] isn't fundamental, even 0 for it is enough More...
int32_t dungeon_join (lua_State *L)
 it will create a dungeon in [map_index] and warp yourself (or your whole party if near) into it
this function is famous for being instable, use d.new_jump and d.new_jump_party altogether with party.is_party() instead More...
int32_t dungeon_exit (lua_State *L)
 it will warp yourself to the saved exit location (not specifically in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_exit_all (lua_State *L)
 it will warp everyone to the saved exit location (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_say_diff_by_item_group (lua_State *L)
 it will show to everyone in the current dungeon the [can_proceed_text] say if individually they have at least one of the items of the [item_group_name] item group
otherwise they will get the [cannot_proceed_text] say and will be warped out of the current dungeon More...
int32_t dungeon_exit_all_by_item_group (lua_State *L)
 it will warp out everyone who doesn't have at least one of the items of the [item_group_name] item group (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_delete_item_in_item_group_from_all (lua_State *L)
 it will warp out everyone who doesn't have at least one of the items of the [item_group_name] item group (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_kill_all (lua_State *L)
 it will kill every monster in the current dungeon More...
int32_t dungeon_purge (lua_State *L)
 it will purge (destroy/make disappear) every monster in the current dungeon More...
int32_t dungeon_exit_all_to_start_position (lua_State *L)
 it will warp out everyone to the start position (in the current dungeon) More...
int32_t dungeon_count_monster (lua_State *L)
 lua will return the count of the monsters residing in the current dungeon More...
int32_t dungeon_select (lua_State *L)
 it will set the dungeon map [map_index] as the current dungeon More...
int32_t dungeon_find (lua_State *L)
 lua will return whether or not the dungeon map [map_index] has been found More...
int32_t dungeon_all_near_to (lua_State *L)
 it will warp everyone near the coordinates [map_x],[map_y] with a max distance of 30px More...
int32_t dungeon_set_warp_location (lua_State *L)
 it will set the warp location to map [map_index] in the coordinates [map_x],[map_y] More...
int32_t dungeon_set_item_group (lua_State *L)
 it will set the item group [item_group_name] with [total_count] elements and for each of them two additional [item_vnum],[item_count] arguments More...
int32_t dungeon_set_quest_flag2 (lua_State *L)
 it will change the [quest_name]'s [flag_name] to [flag_value] from everyone inside the current dungeon More...

Detailed Description

"d" Lua functions

Macro Definition Documentation



d.join will be internally handled differently

d.join will be internally handled differently
d.join will be internally handled differently
New Defines:
d.join will be internally handled differently