M2 Docs


void() do_user_horse_ride (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will make you ride/unride the horse if spawned (hardcoded in python with ctrl+h) More...
void() do_user_horse_back (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will make you unsummon the horse (hardcoded in python ctrl+b) More...
void() do_user_horse_feed (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will make you feed the horse (hardcoded in python ctrl+f) More...
void() do_slow (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the slow status to player [name] More...
void() do_stun (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the stun status to player [name] More...
void() do_warp (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 1) if only [name] is specified, you will warp close to player [name];
2) if both [world_x] and [world_y] are specified, you will warp into those specified world coordinates More...
void() do_goto (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 1) if both [map_x] and [map_y] are specified, you will warp into those specified map coordinates (no uiloading refresh);
2) if only [map_name] is specified, you will warp to the [map_name] alias (it must not start with a number) specified in settings.lua by the lua function add_goto_info(map_name, empire, world_x, world_y),
if [empire] is also specified with [map_name], it will warp to an alias [map_name] that has the empire set as yours or simply 0 More...
void() do_item (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will spawn in your inventory the item [item_vnum] with [count] as count; instead of [item_vnum], you can specify the item name under "" More...
void() do_mob (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will spawn per [count] times the specified [mob_vnum] mob close to you; instead of [mob_vnum], you can specify the mob name under "" More...
void() do_mob_ld (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will spawn the specified [mob_vnum] mob in the current map; instead of [mob_vnum], you can specify the mob name under "" More...
void() do_mob_aggresive (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will spawn per [count] times the specified [mob_vnum] mob close to you but aggroed; instead of [mob_vnum], you can specify the mob name under "" More...
void() do_mob_coward (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will spawn per [count] times the specified [mob_vnum] mob close to you but running away; instead of [mob_vnum], you can specify the mob name under "" More...
void() do_mob_map (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will spawn the specified [mob_vnum] mob in a random location of your current map (the spawn will fail if spawned in mountains or similar) More...
void() do_purge (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will clear the mobs close to you; if the additional [flag]="all" is specified, it will clear every mob in the map More...
void() do_weaken (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will weaken all the monsters close to you; if the additional [flag]="all" is specified, it will weaken every mob in the map More...
void() do_item_purge (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will clear the items in the inventory based on which [window] has been specified
if [window]=="all", it will clear inventory, equipment, dragonsoul, and belt inventories
if [window]=="inventory" or "inv", it will clear the inventory
if [window]=="equipment" or "equip", it will clear the equipment inventory
if [window]=="dragonsoul" or "ds", it will clear the dragon soul inventory
if [window]=="belt", it will clear the belt inventory More...
void() do_state (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print all the status information (bonuses as well) of [name]; if [name] starts with '#', it will search the player's vid More...
void() do_notice (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will make a global notice [text] announcement More...
void() do_map_notice (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will make a notice [text] announcement in your map More...
void() do_big_notice (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will make a global big notice [text] announcement More...
void() do_notice_test (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will make a notice [text] announcement readable only by you More...
void() do_big_notice_test (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will make a big notice [text] announcement readable only by you More...
void() do_map_big_notice (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will make a notice [text] announcement in your map More...
void() do_who (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print the count of the users online in the server (it will be wrong if the state_user_count file is not symlinked in each game core folder) More...
void() do_user (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print the count of the users online (related to this game core) More...
void() do_disconnect (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will disconnect the player [name] ([name] can't be you for core crashing reasons) More...
void() do_kill (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will kill the player [name] More...
void() do_emotion_allow (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 hardcoded in python to allow [vid] to french_/kiss/slap you More...
void() do_emotion (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 hardcoded in python to allow you to run the specific [emotion], the [vid] is used only for french_/kiss/slap and indicates the target More...
void() do_transfer (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will warp to player [name] More...
void() do_set (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set to player [name] the specific [field] to [value];
if [field]="gold", it will add [value] yang to the player [name]
if [field]="race", it will change the race of the player [name] to value
if [field]="sex", it will change the sex of the player [name] to value
if [field]="job", it will change the job (skill_group) of the player [name] to value
if [field]="exp", it will add [value] exp to the player [name]
if [field]="max_hp", it will set [value] to the player [name]'s max_hp
if [field]="max_sp", it will set [value] to the player [name]'s max_sp (mp)
if [field]="skill", it will add [value] skill points to the player [name]
if [field]="align" or "alignment", it will add [value] karma to the player [name] More...
void() do_cmd (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will respectively make you return in the character phase, disconnect or close the client directly (hardcoded in python); it will write in the logs the [reason] if specified More...
void() do_reset (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will refill your hp/mp More...
void() do_greset (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will refill the sp gauge in your guild More...
void() do_mount (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it does nothing (all commented) More...
void() do_fishing (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will start fishing (not specified in the cmdlist) More...
void() do_refine_rod (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will refine your fishrod, if equipped More...
void() do_max_pick (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will give full exp to your pickaxe, if equipped More...
void() do_refine_pick (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will give full exp to your pickaxe and refine it, if equipped More...
void() do_fishing_simul (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set (or unset if present) you the (gm) invisibility affect More...
void() do_console (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will start fishing (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_restart (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will respectively respawn close to yourself or in town More...
void() do_advance (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the player [name]'s level to [level]; skill and subskill points won't be reset like /level More...
void() do_stat (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will increase [type] player status by 1 consuming a POINT_STAT point (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_respawn (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will respawn all the monsters close to you; if [mode]=all is specified, all the monsters in the map will be respawned More...
void() do_skillup (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will increase your skill [skill_id] by 1 using skill points (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_guildskillup (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will increase the guild skill [skill_id] by 1 using a guild skill point (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_pvp (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will start a pvp with player [vid], but only after player [vid] also did this command with your vid (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_safebox_size (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the safebox size to [size] (value between 0~3) More...
void() do_safebox_close (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will close the safebox (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_safebox_password (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will open the safebox using the password [password] (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_safebox_change_password (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will open the safebox to password [new_password] if [old_password] is correct (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_mall_password (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will open the mall (itemshop) using the password [password] (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_mall_close (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will close the mall (itemshop) (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_ungroup (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will leave the party (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_makeguild (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will create a guild called [guild_name] More...
void() do_deleteguild (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will delete your guild More...
void() do_shutdown (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will shutdown the server within 10 seconds More...
void() do_group (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will spawn the [group_id] group close to you More...
void() do_group_random (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will spawn the [group_group_id] group group close to you More...
void() do_invisibility (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set (or unset if present) you the (gm) invisibility affect More...
void() do_event_flag (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the event flag [event_name] as [value] More...
void() do_get_event_flag (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the [quest_flag].__status of the current quest More...
void() do_private (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the [quest_flag].__status of the current quest More...
void() do_qf (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the [quest_flag].__status of the current quest state More...
void() do_clear_quest (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will clear all of your [quest_name]'s states More...
void() do_book (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will give you a skill book (vnum 50300) for the skill [skill_id]; instead of [skill_id] you can also use the full skill name under "" More...
void() do_reload (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 if [type] isn't specified, it will refresh the protos, the string table and the state_user_count;
if [type] is 'u', it will only refresh state_user_count;
if [type] is 'p', it will only refresh the proto tables;
if [type] is 's', it will only refresh the string table;
if [type] is 'q', it will only refresh the quests;
if [type] is 'f', it will only refresh the fishing files;
if [type] is 'a', it will only refresh the admin list;
if [type] is 'c', it will only refresh the cube files; More...
void() do_war (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will declare war against [guild_name] in the [war_type] modality, but only after the guild [guild_name]'s also declared war against your guild the war will begin (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_nowar (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will refuse to war against [guild_name] (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_setskill (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set your skill [skill_id] to the level [skill_level]; instead of [skill_id] you can also use the full skill name under "" More...
void() do_setskillother (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set player [name]' skill [skill_id] to the level [skill_level]; instead of [skill_id] you can also use the full skill name under "" More...
void() do_level (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will level you to [level] and reset status, skills and subskill points More...
void() do_polymorph (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will transform you into [mob_vnum] and additionally keep the status if [maintain_status] is specified (to switch normal, transform yourself to 0) More...
void() do_polymorph_item (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will spawn and give you a polymorph item (vnum 70104) for the mob [mob_vnum] (stored in socket0) More...
void() do_close_shop (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will close the personal shop (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_set_walk_mode (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will start walking instead of running More...
void() do_set_run_mode (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will start running instead of walking (just to disable /set_walk_mode because you run by default) More...
void() do_set_skill_group (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set your skill group to [value], and then clear the skills More...
void() do_set_skill_point (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set your skill points to [value] More...
void() do_cooltime (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will disable the skill cooltime More...
void() do_detaillog (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will enable/disable logging detailed-related logs about yourself More...
void() do_monsterlog (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will enable/disable logging monsters-related logs about yourself More...
void() do_gwlist (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print the list of the current guild wars More...
void() do_stop_guild_war (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will stop the guild war between guild [guild_id1] and guild [guild_id2] More...
void() do_cancel_guild_war (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will cancel the guild war between guild [guild_id1] and guild [guild_id2] More...
void() do_guild_state (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print GuildID, GuildMasterPID, and IsInWar for the guild [guild_name] More...
void() do_pkmode (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will set your pkmode to [mode] (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_messenger_auth (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will accept/refuse a friendship request from player [name] if [mode] is respectively 'y' and 'n' (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_getqf (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print all the quest flags of player [name] More...
void() do_setqf (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the quest flag [flagname] to [value] from player [name] or yourself if not specified More...
void() do_delqf (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will delete the quest flag [flagname] from player [name] or yourself if not specified More...
void() do_set_state (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the quest [questname]' state to [statename] from player [name] or yourself if not specified More...
void() do_forgetme (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will let all the monsters forget about attacking you, and you will be in REVIVE_INVISIBLE for 5 seconds More...
void() do_aggregate (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will aggro against you all the monsters close to you More...
void() do_attract_ranger (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the BOW_DISTANCE to 150 for 3 minutes to the monsters close to you More...
void() do_pull_monster (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will attract to you the monsters close to you More...
void() do_setblockmode (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will set the block mode to [flag] (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_priv_empire (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the priv rates to the specific [empire] by [type]=[value]% for [duration] hours; More...
void() do_priv_guild (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set via "ADMIN_QUEST" quest the priv rates for [guild_id] (experimental command, don't use it) More...
void() do_mount_test (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will let you ride the mount [vnum] More...
void() do_unmount (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will unmount the seal mount (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_observer (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set you on observer mode More...
void() do_observer_exit (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will leave the observer mode (it could rewarp you to yourself) (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_socket_item (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will create and give you an item [vnum] with socket_pct as [socket_count] More...
void() do_xmas (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the relative [flag] to the specified command's flag;
/xmas_boom will switch day/night (0: day without event helper, 1: night with event helper, 2: day with event helper)
/xmas_snow will switch snow/not snow (0: not snow, 1: snow)
/xmas_snow will de/spawn santa (0: despawn santa, 1: spawn santa) More...
void() do_stat_minus (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will decrease [type] player status by 1 consuming a STAT_RESET_COUNT point (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_stat_reset (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will reset the STAT_RESET_COUNT point More...
void() do_view_equip (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will see player [vid]'s equipment and inventory More...
void() do_block_chat (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will block the player [name]'s chat for [time] seconds in game
the [time] can also be a formatted string such as "7d 1h 25m 50s" (check parse_time_str in Utils.cpp) More...
void() do_vote_block_chat (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 disabled, but it would have been blocked the player [name]'s chat for 10 seconds in game More...
void() do_block_chat_list (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print the list of all the blocked chats More...
void() do_party_request (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will send a party request to player [vid] (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_party_request_deny (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will refuse a party request from player [vid] (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_party_request_accept (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will accept a party request from player [vid] (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_build (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will handle the building constructions (hardcoded in python);
if [mode] is 'c', it will create buildings;
if [mode] is 'd', it will destroy buildings;
if [mode] is 'w' it will create walls;
if [mode] is 'e' it will delete walls;
if [mode] is 'W' it will create wall blocks;
if [mode] is 'E' it will delete wall blocks; More...
void() do_clear_land (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will clear the guild land where you stands over More...
void() do_horse_state (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print the level, health and stamina of your horse More...
void() do_horse_level (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the horse level as [level] to player [name] More...
void() do_horse_ride (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will let you ride your horse More...
void() do_horse_summon (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will summon your horse More...
void() do_horse_unsummon (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will unsummon your horse More...
void() do_horse_set_stat (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the horse status as hp=[hp] and stamina=[stamina] More...
void() do_save_attribute_to_image (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will save the attribute of the specific [map_index] as [filename] (tga format) More...
void() do_affect_remove (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 if specified only [player_name], it will print the affect list of [player_name];
if specified both [affect_type] and [point_type], it will remove one of your affects having type [affect_type] and point [point_type] More...
void() do_change_attr (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will switch he normal bonuses in your equipped weapon More...
void() do_add_attr (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will add a normal bonus in your equipped weapon More...
void() do_add_socket (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will add a new usable slot in your equipped weapon (only for items which socket_pct is less than 3) More...
void() do_inputall (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 used as alternative to prevent typos in the cmd_info table via source More...
void() do_show_arena_list (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print all the available musician's arenas More...
void() do_end_all_duel (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will stop all the duels in the musician's arena More...
void() do_end_duel (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will make the player [name] stop duelling in the musician's arena More...
void() do_duel (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will make the players [name1] and [name2] have a duel in the musician's arena More...
void() do_stat_plus_amount (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will increase the relative status type (based on the command you used) by the specific [amount]; the relative status points will decrease by [amount] as well More...
void() do_break_marriage (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will remove the marriage between [pid1] and [pid2] More...
void() do_oxevent_show_quiz (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it prints the list of the questions More...
void() do_oxevent_log (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it prints whether or not there's a winner (always true), and set a charlog "LastManStanding" to the remaining people More...
void() do_oxevent_get_attender (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it prints how many people are attending the ox quiz More...
void() do_effect (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will add the effect [type] to you More...
void() do_threeway_war_info (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print the event flags, the killscore and userscore of every empire in the threeway war More...
void() do_threeway_war_myinfo (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print your deadcount in the threeway war More...
void() do_monarch_warpto (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 if you are monarch, you will warp to player [name] for 10000 yang and if in the same channel and empire More...
void() do_monarch_transfer (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 if you are monarch, you will make player [name] warp to you for 10000 yang and if in the same channel and empire More...
void() do_monarch_info (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 if you are monarch, you will see the infos of your empire (money as well) More...
void() do_elect (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will load in the db syslog the result of the elections More...
void() do_monarch_tax (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 if you are monarch, you will set the trading tax of the empire to [value] (the value must be between 1~50) More...
void() do_monarch_mob (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 if you are monarch, you will spawm a mob [mob_vnum] for 5kk yang; instead of [mob_vnum], you can specify the mob name under "" More...
void() do_monarch_notice (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will make a monarch notice [text] announcement to your relative monarch's empire More...
void() do_rmcandidacy (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will remove the specific [name] as monarch candidacy More...
void() do_setmonarch (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the specific monarch [name] More...
void() do_rmmonarch (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will delete the specific monarch [name] More...
void() do_hair (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print the bonuses of your hairs (old version) More...
void() do_gift (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will send you a cmdchat "gift" More...
void() do_inventory (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print the infos of the items from the inventory index [start_index] to [start_index]+[count] (it won't overflow, so it's safe) More...
void() do_cube (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will handle the management of the cube client-side
1) it will open the cube window
2) it will close the cube window
3) it will add the item [inventory_index] from the inventory into the cube window
4) it will remove the item [cube_index] from the cube window
5) it will print the list of the items inside the cube window
6) it will craft the first available recipe; if "all" is specified, it will craft all of them More...
void() do_siege (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set for the specific [empire] an amount of [tower_count] towers in the siege event; the [tower_count] must be between 5~10, otherwise it will take a random number between 5~10 More...
void() do_temp (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set to the specific monarch [empire] the amount [money] More...
void() do_frog (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will spawn the frog in the specific [empire] castle when the castle event is active and you are in a castle map More...
void() do_check_monarch_money (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print the money of the specific [empire] More...
void() do_reset_subskill (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will reset the subskills of the player [name] More...
void() do_flush (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will flush the cache of the specific [player_id] in the database More...
void() do_eclipse (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the eclise flag to 1 if [flag] is 1, otherwise 0; the eclipse flag can change the day/night mode without removing the event helper npc More...
void() do_weeklyevent (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will start the weekly event for the empire [empire]; if [empire] is not between 1~3, it will choose a random empire More...
void() do_event_helper (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will spawn the event helper npc if [mode] is 1, otherwise it will despawn it More...
void() do_in_game_mall (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will open the itemshop ingame (the one from the rotating coin) (hardcoded in python) More...
void() do_get_mob_count (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print the mob count of your current map More...
void() do_dice (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 1) it will roll a number between 1~100
2) it will roll a number between 1~[max]
3) it will roll and print a number between [min]~[max]
if [max] < [min] then [max] = [min] (it's safe, so no core crash) More...
void() do_special_item (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will convert the special_drop_item.txt to the new syntax (it will remove the korean item names and put the vnum) More...
void() do_click_mall (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will open the password dialog to open the mall (itemshop) More...
void() do_ride (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will ride the horse if spawned, otherwise it will try to summon the first mount seal in the inventory More...
void() do_get_item_id_list (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print the list of items present in inventory and equipment More...
void() do_set_socket (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set to the specific [item_id] in pos [socket_id] the value [socket_value] More...
void() do_costume (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will print the bonuses of your costumes; if [mode] is specified, it will respectively unequip the relative costume items as such:
'h' hair, 'b' body, 'm' mount, 'a' acce, 'w' weapon More...
void() do_set_stat (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set to player [name] the specific type (based on which command you used, except for /set_state which does nothing) of status points by [amount] More...
void() do_can_dead (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set a temporary flag (until relogin) to allow/prevent you to receive damage/die More...
void() do_full_set (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will give you all the skills at maximum level, and a full bonussed equipment set lvl75+9 More...
void() do_item_full_set (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will equip you a full set with hardcoded values (lvl75+9 set), and unequip the previous equipped set More...
void() do_attr_full_set (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will full bonus you the equipped items with hardcoded bonuses More...
void() do_all_skill_master (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set you all the skills at maximum level More...
void() do_use_item (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will use the item in pos [pos] in your inventory More...
void() do_dragon_soul (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it activates your ds deck if [value] is 'a' and deactives if 'd' More...
void() do_ds_list (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it prints the list of the ds items you have in the ds inventory More...
void() do_clear_affect (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will clear all your affects More...
void() do_change_rare_attr (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will switch the rare bonuses in your equipped weapon More...
void() do_add_rare_attr (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will add a rare bonus in your equipped weapon More...
void() do_click_safebox (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will disconnect your account instantly More...
void() do_force_logout (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will disconnect your account instantly More...
void() do_poison (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the poison status to player [name] More...
void() do_rewarp (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 you will rewarp to yourself More...
void() do_bleeding (LPCHARACTER ch, const char *argument, int32_t cmd, int32_t subcmd)
 it will set the bleeding status to player [name] More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ do_add_attr()

void() do_add_attr ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will add a normal bonus in your equipped weapon


◆ do_add_rare_attr()

void() do_add_rare_attr ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will add a rare bonus in your equipped weapon

New Cmd:

◆ do_add_socket()

void() do_add_socket ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will add a new usable slot in your equipped weapon (only for items which socket_pct is less than 3)


◆ do_advance()

void() do_advance ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the player [name]'s level to [level]; skill and subskill points won't be reset like /level

/advance [name] [level]

◆ do_affect_remove()

void() do_affect_remove ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

if specified only [player_name], it will print the affect list of [player_name];
if specified both [affect_type] and [point_type], it will remove one of your affects having type [affect_type] and point [point_type]


/affect_remove [player_name]

/affect_remove [affect_type] [point_type]

◆ do_aggregate()

void() do_aggregate ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will aggro against you all the monsters close to you


◆ do_all_skill_master()

void() do_all_skill_master ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set you all the skills at maximum level


◆ do_attr_full_set()

void() do_attr_full_set ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will full bonus you the equipped items with hardcoded bonuses


◆ do_attract_ranger()

void() do_attract_ranger ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the BOW_DISTANCE to 150 for 3 minutes to the monsters close to you


◆ do_big_notice()

void() do_big_notice ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will make a global big notice [text] announcement

now it's global, it was previously readable only by you
/big_notice [text]

◆ do_big_notice_test()

void() do_big_notice_test ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will make a big notice [text] announcement readable only by you

/big_notice_test [text]
/big_notice_test [text]
New Cmd:
/big_notice_test [text]

◆ do_bleeding()

void() do_bleeding ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the bleeding status to player [name]

/bleeding [name]
/bleeding [name]
New Cmd:
/bleeding [name]

◆ do_block_chat()

void() do_block_chat ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will block the player [name]'s chat for [time] seconds in game
the [time] can also be a formatted string such as "7d 1h 25m 50s" (check parse_time_str in Utils.cpp)


/block_chat [name] [&time=0]

/jy [name] [&time=0]

◆ do_block_chat_list()

void() do_block_chat_list ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print the list of all the blocked chats


◆ do_book()

void() do_book ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will give you a skill book (vnum 50300) for the skill [skill_id]; instead of [skill_id] you can also use the full skill name under ""

/book [skill_id]

◆ do_break_marriage()

void() do_break_marriage ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will remove the marriage between [pid1] and [pid2]

/break_marriage [pid1] [pid2]

◆ do_build()

void() do_build ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will handle the building constructions (hardcoded in python);
if [mode] is 'c', it will create buildings;
if [mode] is 'd', it will destroy buildings;
if [mode] is 'w' it will create walls;
if [mode] is 'e' it will delete walls;
if [mode] is 'W' it will create wall blocks;
if [mode] is 'E' it will delete wall blocks;


/build [mode='c'] [vnum] [map_x] [map_y] [x_rot] [y_rot] [z_rot]

/build [mode='d'] [object_id]

/build [mode='w'] [direction=north|east|south|west]

/build [mode='e']

/build [mode='W'] [set_id] [wall_size] [door_east] [door_west] [door_south] [door_north]

/build [mode='E'] [object_id]

◆ do_can_dead()

void() do_can_dead ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set a temporary flag (until relogin) to allow/prevent you to receive damage/die




◆ do_cancel_guild_war()

void() do_cancel_guild_war ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will cancel the guild war between guild [guild_id1] and guild [guild_id2]

/gwcancel [guild_id1] [guild_id2]

◆ do_change_attr()

void() do_change_attr ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will switch he normal bonuses in your equipped weapon


◆ do_change_rare_attr()

void() do_change_rare_attr ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will switch the rare bonuses in your equipped weapon

New Cmd:

◆ do_check_monarch_money()

void() do_check_monarch_money ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print the money of the specific [empire]

/check_mmoney [empire]

◆ do_clear_affect()

void() do_clear_affect ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will clear all your affects


◆ do_clear_land()

void() do_clear_land ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will clear the guild land where you stands over


◆ do_clear_quest()

void() do_clear_quest ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will clear all of your [quest_name]'s states

/clear_quest [quest_name]

◆ do_click_mall()

void() do_click_mall ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will open the password dialog to open the mall (itemshop)


◆ do_click_safebox()

void() do_click_safebox ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will disconnect your account instantly

New Cmd:

◆ do_close_shop()

void() do_close_shop ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will close the personal shop (hardcoded in python)


◆ do_cmd()

void() do_cmd ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will respectively make you return in the character phase, disconnect or close the client directly (hardcoded in python); it will write in the logs the [reason] if specified


/phase_select [&reason]

/quit [&reason]

/logout [&reason]

◆ do_console()

void() do_console ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will start fishing (hardcoded in python)


◆ do_cooltime()

void() do_cooltime ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will disable the skill cooltime


◆ do_costume()

void() do_costume ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print the bonuses of your costumes; if [mode] is specified, it will respectively unequip the relative costume items as such:
'h' hair, 'b' body, 'm' mount, 'a' acce, 'w' weapon

added mount 'm', acce 'a' and weapon 'w' parameters
/costume [&mode=hbmaw]

◆ do_cube()

void() do_cube ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will handle the management of the cube client-side
1) it will open the cube window
2) it will close the cube window
3) it will add the item [inventory_index] from the inventory into the cube window
4) it will remove the item [cube_index] from the cube window
5) it will print the list of the items inside the cube window
6) it will craft the first available recipe; if "all" is specified, it will craft all of them


/cube [type] [&index|all]

/cube "open"

/cube "close|cancel"

/cube "add" [inventory_index]

/cube "delete" [cube_index]

/cube "list"

/cube "make" [&"all"]

◆ do_deleteguild()

void() do_deleteguild ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will delete your guild


◆ do_delqf()

void() do_delqf ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will delete the quest flag [flagname] from player [name] or yourself if not specified

/delqf [flagname] [&name]

◆ do_detaillog()

void() do_detaillog ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will enable/disable logging detailed-related logs about yourself


◆ do_dice()

void() do_dice ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

1) it will roll a number between 1~100
2) it will roll a number between 1~[max]
3) it will roll and print a number between [min]~[max]
if [max] < [min] then [max] = [min] (it's safe, so no core crash)



/dice [max]

/dice [min] [max]

◆ do_disconnect()

void() do_disconnect ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will disconnect the player [name] ([name] can't be you for core crashing reasons)

/dc [name]

◆ do_dragon_soul()

void() do_dragon_soul ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it activates your ds deck if [value] is 'a' and deactives if 'd'

/dragon_soul [value]

◆ do_ds_list()

void() do_ds_list ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it prints the list of the ds items you have in the ds inventory


◆ do_duel()

void() do_duel ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will make the players [name1] and [name2] have a duel in the musician's arena

/duel [name1] [name2]

◆ do_eclipse()

void() do_eclipse ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the eclise flag to 1 if [flag] is 1, otherwise 0; the eclipse flag can change the day/night mode without removing the event helper npc

/eclipse [flag]

◆ do_effect()

void() do_effect ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will add the effect [type] to you

/effect [type]

◆ do_elect()

void() do_elect ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will load in the db syslog the result of the elections


◆ do_emotion()

void() do_emotion ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

hardcoded in python to allow you to run the specific [emotion], the [vid] is used only for french_/kiss/slap and indicates the target


/[emotion] [&vid]

/kiss [vid]

/slap [vid]

/french_kiss [vid]



















◆ do_emotion_allow()

void() do_emotion_allow ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

hardcoded in python to allow [vid] to french_/kiss/slap you

/emotion_allow [vid]

◆ do_end_all_duel()

void() do_end_all_duel ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will stop all the duels in the musician's arena


◆ do_end_duel()

void() do_end_duel ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will make the player [name] stop duelling in the musician's arena

/end_duel [name]

◆ do_event_flag()

void() do_event_flag ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the event flag [event_name] as [value]

/eventflag [event_name] [value]

◆ do_event_helper()

void() do_event_helper ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will spawn the event helper npc if [mode] is 1, otherwise it will despawn it

/eventhelper [mode]

◆ do_fishing()

void() do_fishing ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will start fishing (not specified in the cmdlist)


◆ do_fishing_simul()

void() do_fishing_simul ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set (or unset if present) you the (gm) invisibility affect


◆ do_flush()

void() do_flush ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will flush the cache of the specific [player_id] in the database

/flush [player_id]

◆ do_force_logout()

void() do_force_logout ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will disconnect your account instantly

New Cmd:

◆ do_forgetme()

void() do_forgetme ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will let all the monsters forget about attacking you, and you will be in REVIVE_INVISIBLE for 5 seconds


◆ do_frog()

void() do_frog ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will spawn the frog in the specific [empire] castle when the castle event is active and you are in a castle map

/frog [empire]

◆ do_full_set()

void() do_full_set ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will give you all the skills at maximum level, and a full bonussed equipment set lvl75+9


◆ do_get_event_flag()

void() do_get_event_flag ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the [quest_flag].__status of the current quest


◆ do_get_item_id_list()

void() do_get_item_id_list ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print the list of items present in inventory and equipment


◆ do_get_mob_count()

void() do_get_mob_count ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print the mob count of your current map


◆ do_getqf()

void() do_getqf ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print all the quest flags of player [name]

/getqf [name]

◆ do_gift()

void() do_gift ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will send you a cmdchat "gift"


◆ do_goto()

void() do_goto ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

1) if both [map_x] and [map_y] are specified, you will warp into those specified map coordinates (no uiloading refresh);
2) if only [map_name] is specified, you will warp to the [map_name] alias (it must not start with a number) specified in settings.lua by the lua function add_goto_info(map_name, empire, world_x, world_y),
if [empire] is also specified with [map_name], it will warp to an alias [map_name] that has the empire set as yours or simply 0


/goto [map_x] [map_y]

/goto [map_name] [&empire=0]

◆ do_greset()

void() do_greset ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will refill the sp gauge in your guild


◆ do_group()

void() do_group ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will spawn the [group_id] group close to you

/group [group_id]

◆ do_group_random()

void() do_group_random ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will spawn the [group_group_id] group group close to you

/grrandom [group_group_id]

◆ do_guild_state()

void() do_guild_state ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print GuildID, GuildMasterPID, and IsInWar for the guild [guild_name]

/gstate [guild_name]

◆ do_guildskillup()

void() do_guildskillup ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will increase the guild skill [skill_id] by 1 using a guild skill point (hardcoded in python)

/gskillup [skill_id]

◆ do_gwlist()

void() do_gwlist ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print the list of the current guild wars


◆ do_hair()

void() do_hair ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print the bonuses of your hairs (old version)


◆ do_horse_level()

void() do_horse_level ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the horse level as [level] to player [name]

/horse_level [name] [level]

◆ do_horse_ride()

void() do_horse_ride ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will let you ride your horse


◆ do_horse_set_stat()

void() do_horse_set_stat ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the horse status as hp=[hp] and stamina=[stamina]

/horse_set_stat [hp] [stamina]

◆ do_horse_state()

void() do_horse_state ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print the level, health and stamina of your horse


◆ do_horse_summon()

void() do_horse_summon ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will summon your horse


◆ do_horse_unsummon()

void() do_horse_unsummon ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will unsummon your horse


◆ do_in_game_mall()

void() do_in_game_mall ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will open the itemshop ingame (the one from the rotating coin) (hardcoded in python)


◆ do_inputall()

void() do_inputall ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

used as alternative to prevent typos in the cmd_info table via source









◆ do_inventory()

void() do_inventory ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print the infos of the items from the inventory index [start_index] to [start_index]+[count] (it won't overflow, so it's safe)

/inventory [start_index] [count]

◆ do_invisibility()

void() do_invisibility ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set (or unset if present) you the (gm) invisibility affect


◆ do_item()

void() do_item ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will spawn in your inventory the item [item_vnum] with [count] as count; instead of [item_vnum], you can specify the item name under ""

/item [item_vnum] [count]

◆ do_item_full_set()

void() do_item_full_set ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will equip you a full set with hardcoded values (lvl75+9 set), and unequip the previous equipped set


◆ do_item_purge()

void() do_item_purge ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will clear the items in the inventory based on which [window] has been specified
if [window]=="all", it will clear inventory, equipment, dragonsoul, and belt inventories
if [window]=="inventory" or "inv", it will clear the inventory
if [window]=="equipment" or "equip", it will clear the equipment inventory
if [window]=="dragonsoul" or "ds", it will clear the dragon soul inventory
if [window]=="belt", it will clear the belt inventory

only the additional [&window] parameter
/ipurge [&window]

◆ do_kill()

void() do_kill ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will kill the player [name]

/kill [name]

◆ do_level()

void() do_level ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will level you to [level] and reset status, skills and subskill points

/level [level]

◆ do_makeguild()

void() do_makeguild ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will create a guild called [guild_name]

/makeguild [guild_name]

◆ do_mall_close()

void() do_mall_close ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will close the mall (itemshop) (hardcoded in python)


◆ do_mall_password()

void() do_mall_password ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will open the mall (itemshop) using the password [password] (hardcoded in python)

/mall_password [password]

◆ do_map_big_notice()

void() do_map_big_notice ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will make a notice [text] announcement in your map

/big_notice_map [text]
/big_notice_map [text]
New Cmd:
/big_notice_map [text]

◆ do_map_notice()

void() do_map_notice ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will make a notice [text] announcement in your map

/notice_map [text]

◆ do_max_pick()

void() do_max_pick ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will give full exp to your pickaxe, if equipped


◆ do_messenger_auth()

void() do_messenger_auth ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will accept/refuse a friendship request from player [name] if [mode] is respectively 'y' and 'n' (hardcoded in python)

/messenger_auth [name] [mode=y|n]

◆ do_mob()

void() do_mob ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will spawn per [count] times the specified [mob_vnum] mob close to you; instead of [mob_vnum], you can specify the mob name under ""

/mob [mob_vnum] [count]

◆ do_mob_aggresive()

void() do_mob_aggresive ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will spawn per [count] times the specified [mob_vnum] mob close to you but aggroed; instead of [mob_vnum], you can specify the mob name under ""

/ma [mob_vnum] [count]

◆ do_mob_coward()

void() do_mob_coward ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will spawn per [count] times the specified [mob_vnum] mob close to you but running away; instead of [mob_vnum], you can specify the mob name under ""

/mc [mob_vnum]

◆ do_mob_ld()

void() do_mob_ld ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will spawn the specified [mob_vnum] mob in the current map; instead of [mob_vnum], you can specify the mob name under ""

/mob_ld [mob_vnum] [&map_x=0] [&map_y=0] [&rotation=0]

◆ do_mob_map()

void() do_mob_map ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will spawn the specified [mob_vnum] mob in a random location of your current map (the spawn will fail if spawned in mountains or similar)

/mm [mob_vnum]

◆ do_monarch_info()

void() do_monarch_info ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

if you are monarch, you will see the infos of your empire (money as well)


◆ do_monarch_mob()

void() do_monarch_mob ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

if you are monarch, you will spawm a mob [mob_vnum] for 5kk yang; instead of [mob_vnum], you can specify the mob name under ""

/mmob [mob_vnum]

◆ do_monarch_notice()

void() do_monarch_notice ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will make a monarch notice [text] announcement to your relative monarch's empire

/mnotice [text]

◆ do_monarch_tax()

void() do_monarch_tax ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

if you are monarch, you will set the trading tax of the empire to [value] (the value must be between 1~50)

/mtax [value]

◆ do_monarch_transfer()

void() do_monarch_transfer ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

if you are monarch, you will make player [name] warp to you for 10000 yang and if in the same channel and empire

/mtr [name]

◆ do_monarch_warpto()

void() do_monarch_warpto ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

if you are monarch, you will warp to player [name] for 10000 yang and if in the same channel and empire

/mto [name]

◆ do_monsterlog()

void() do_monsterlog ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will enable/disable logging monsters-related logs about yourself


◆ do_mount()

void() do_mount ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it does nothing (all commented)


◆ do_mount_test()

void() do_mount_test ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will let you ride the mount [vnum]

/mount_test [vnum]

◆ do_notice()

void() do_notice ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will make a global notice [text] announcement

/notice [text]

◆ do_notice_test()

void() do_notice_test ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will make a notice [text] announcement readable only by you

/notice_test [text]
/notice_test [text]
New Cmd:
/notice_test [text]

◆ do_nowar()

void() do_nowar ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will refuse to war against [guild_name] (hardcoded in python)

/nowar [guild_name]

◆ do_observer()

void() do_observer ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set you on observer mode


◆ do_observer_exit()

void() do_observer_exit ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will leave the observer mode (it could rewarp you to yourself) (hardcoded in python)


◆ do_oxevent_get_attender()

void() do_oxevent_get_attender ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it prints how many people are attending the ox quiz


◆ do_oxevent_log()

void() do_oxevent_log ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it prints whether or not there's a winner (always true), and set a charlog "LastManStanding" to the remaining people


◆ do_oxevent_show_quiz()

void() do_oxevent_show_quiz ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it prints the list of the questions


◆ do_party_request()

void() do_party_request ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will send a party request to player [vid] (hardcoded in python)

/party_request [vid]

◆ do_party_request_accept()

void() do_party_request_accept ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will accept a party request from player [vid] (hardcoded in python)

/party_request_accept [vid]

◆ do_party_request_deny()

void() do_party_request_deny ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will refuse a party request from player [vid] (hardcoded in python)

/party_request_deny [vid]

◆ do_pkmode()

void() do_pkmode ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will set your pkmode to [mode] (hardcoded in python)

/pkmode [mode]

◆ do_poison()

void() do_poison ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the poison status to player [name]

/poison [name]
/poison [name]
New Cmd:
/poison [name]

◆ do_polymorph()

void() do_polymorph ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will transform you into [mob_vnum] and additionally keep the status if [maintain_status] is specified (to switch normal, transform yourself to 0)

/polymorph [mob_vnum=0] [&maintain_status=false]

◆ do_polymorph_item()

void() do_polymorph_item ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will spawn and give you a polymorph item (vnum 70104) for the mob [mob_vnum] (stored in socket0)

/polyitem [mob_vnum]

◆ do_priv_empire()

void() do_priv_empire ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the priv rates to the specific [empire] by [type]=[value]% for [duration] hours;

/priv_empire [empire=0:all, 1:shinsoo, 2:chunjo, 3:jinno] [type=1:item_drop, 2:gold_drop, 3:gold10_drop, 4:exp] [value] [duration]

◆ do_priv_guild()

void() do_priv_guild ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set via "ADMIN_QUEST" quest the priv rates for [guild_id] (experimental command, don't use it)

/priv_guild [guild_id]

◆ do_private()

void() do_private ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the [quest_flag].__status of the current quest

/private [map_index]

◆ do_pull_monster()

void() do_pull_monster ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will attract to you the monsters close to you


◆ do_purge()

void() do_purge ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will clear the mobs close to you; if the additional [flag]="all" is specified, it will clear every mob in the map

/purge [&flag=all]

◆ do_pvp()

void() do_pvp ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will start a pvp with player [vid], but only after player [vid] also did this command with your vid (hardcoded in python)

/pvp [vid]

◆ do_qf()

void() do_qf ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the [quest_flag].__status of the current quest state

/qf [quest_flag]

◆ do_refine_pick()

void() do_refine_pick ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will give full exp to your pickaxe and refine it, if equipped


◆ do_refine_rod()

void() do_refine_rod ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will refine your fishrod, if equipped


◆ do_reload()

void() do_reload ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

if [type] isn't specified, it will refresh the protos, the string table and the state_user_count;
if [type] is 'u', it will only refresh state_user_count;
if [type] is 'p', it will only refresh the proto tables;
if [type] is 's', it will only refresh the string table;
if [type] is 'q', it will only refresh the quests;
if [type] is 'f', it will only refresh the fishing files;
if [type] is 'a', it will only refresh the admin list;
if [type] is 'c', it will only refresh the cube files;

/reload <&type>

◆ do_reset()

void() do_reset ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will refill your hp/mp


◆ do_reset_subskill()

void() do_reset_subskill ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will reset the subskills of the player [name]

/reset_subskill [name]

◆ do_respawn()

void() do_respawn ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will respawn all the monsters close to you; if [mode]=all is specified, all the monsters in the map will be respawned

/respawn [&mode=all]

◆ do_restart()

void() do_restart ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will respectively respawn close to yourself or in town




◆ do_rewarp()

void() do_rewarp ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will rewarp to yourself

New Cmd:

◆ do_ride()

void() do_ride ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will ride the horse if spawned, otherwise it will try to summon the first mount seal in the inventory


◆ do_rmcandidacy()

void() do_rmcandidacy ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will remove the specific [name] as monarch candidacy

/rmcandidacy [name]

◆ do_rmmonarch()

void() do_rmmonarch ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will delete the specific monarch [name]

/rmmonarch [name]

◆ do_safebox_change_password()

void() do_safebox_change_password ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will open the safebox to password [new_password] if [old_password] is correct (hardcoded in python)

/safebox_change_password [old_password] [new_password]

◆ do_safebox_close()

void() do_safebox_close ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will close the safebox (hardcoded in python)


◆ do_safebox_password()

void() do_safebox_password ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will open the safebox using the password [password] (hardcoded in python)

/safebox_password [password]

◆ do_safebox_size()

void() do_safebox_size ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the safebox size to [size] (value between 0~3)

/safebox [size]

◆ do_save_attribute_to_image()

void() do_save_attribute_to_image ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will save the attribute of the specific [map_index] as [filename] (tga format)

/saveati [map_index] [filename]

◆ do_set()

void() do_set ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set to player [name] the specific [field] to [value];
if [field]="gold", it will add [value] yang to the player [name]
if [field]="race", it will change the race of the player [name] to value
if [field]="sex", it will change the sex of the player [name] to value
if [field]="job", it will change the job (skill_group) of the player [name] to value
if [field]="exp", it will add [value] exp to the player [name]
if [field]="max_hp", it will set [value] to the player [name]'s max_hp
if [field]="max_sp", it will set [value] to the player [name]'s max_sp (mp)
if [field]="skill", it will add [value] skill points to the player [name]
if [field]="align" or "alignment", it will add [value] karma to the player [name]

implemented the "race", "sex" and "job" field, and increased the information provided by the help list
/set [name] [field] [value]

◆ do_set_run_mode()

void() do_set_run_mode ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will start running instead of walking (just to disable /set_walk_mode because you run by default)


◆ do_set_skill_group()

void() do_set_skill_group ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set your skill group to [value], and then clear the skills

/setjob [value]

◆ do_set_skill_point()

void() do_set_skill_point ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set your skill points to [value]

/setskillpoint [value]

◆ do_set_socket()

void() do_set_socket ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set to the specific [item_id] in pos [socket_id] the value [socket_value]

/set_socket [item_id] [socket_id] [socket_value]

◆ do_set_stat()

void() do_set_stat ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set to player [name] the specific type (based on which command you used, except for /set_state which does nothing) of status points by [amount]


/set_stat [name] [amount]

/tcon [name] [amount]

/tint [name] [amount]

/tstr [name] [amount]

/tdex [name] [amount]

◆ do_set_state()

void() do_set_state ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the quest [questname]' state to [statename] from player [name] or yourself if not specified

only the additional [&name] parameter
/set_state [questname] [statename] [&name]

◆ do_set_walk_mode()

void() do_set_walk_mode ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will start walking instead of running


◆ do_setblockmode()

void() do_setblockmode ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will set the block mode to [flag] (hardcoded in python)

/setblockmode [flag]

◆ do_setmonarch()

void() do_setmonarch ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the specific monarch [name]

/setmonarch [name]

◆ do_setqf()

void() do_setqf ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the quest flag [flagname] to [value] from player [name] or yourself if not specified

/delqf [flagname] [value] [&name]

◆ do_setskill()

void() do_setskill ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set your skill [skill_id] to the level [skill_level]; instead of [skill_id] you can also use the full skill name under ""

/setskill [skill_id] [skill_level]

◆ do_setskillother()

void() do_setskillother ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set player [name]' skill [skill_id] to the level [skill_level]; instead of [skill_id] you can also use the full skill name under ""

/setskillother [name] [skill_id] [skill_level]

◆ do_show_arena_list()

void() do_show_arena_list ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print all the available musician's arenas


◆ do_shutdown()

void() do_shutdown ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will shutdown the server within 10 seconds


◆ do_siege()

void() do_siege ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set for the specific [empire] an amount of [tower_count] towers in the siege event; the [tower_count] must be between 5~10, otherwise it will take a random number between 5~10

/siege [empire] [tower_count]

◆ do_skillup()

void() do_skillup ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will increase your skill [skill_id] by 1 using skill points (hardcoded in python)

/skillup [skill_id]

◆ do_slow()

void() do_slow ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the slow status to player [name]

/slow [name]

◆ do_socket_item()

void() do_socket_item ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will create and give you an item [vnum] with socket_pct as [socket_count]

/socketitem [vnum] [socket_count]

◆ do_special_item()

void() do_special_item ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will convert the special_drop_item.txt to the new syntax (it will remove the korean item names and put the vnum)


◆ do_stat()

void() do_stat ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will increase [type] player status by 1 consuming a POINT_STAT point (hardcoded in python)

/stat [type=st|dx|ht|iq]

◆ do_stat_minus()

void() do_stat_minus ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will decrease [type] player status by 1 consuming a STAT_RESET_COUNT point (hardcoded in python)

/stat- [type=st|dx|ht|iq]

◆ do_stat_plus_amount()

void() do_stat_plus_amount ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will increase the relative status type (based on the command you used) by the specific [amount]; the relative status points will decrease by [amount] as well


/con+ [amount]

/int+ [amount]

/str+ [amount]

/dex+ [amount]

◆ do_stat_reset()

void() do_stat_reset ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will reset the STAT_RESET_COUNT point


◆ do_state()

void() do_state ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print all the status information (bonuses as well) of [name]; if [name] starts with '#', it will search the player's vid


/state [name]

/state #[vid]

◆ do_stop_guild_war()

void() do_stop_guild_war ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will stop the guild war between guild [guild_id1] and guild [guild_id2]

/gwstop [guild_id1] [guild_id2]

◆ do_stun()

void() do_stun ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the stun status to player [name]

/stun [name]

◆ do_temp()

void() do_temp ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set to the specific monarch [empire] the amount [money]

/temp [empire] [money]

◆ do_threeway_war_info()

void() do_threeway_war_info ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print the event flags, the killscore and userscore of every empire in the threeway war


◆ do_threeway_war_myinfo()

void() do_threeway_war_myinfo ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print your deadcount in the threeway war


◆ do_transfer()

void() do_transfer ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will warp to player [name]

/goto [name]

◆ do_ungroup()

void() do_ungroup ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will leave the party (hardcoded in python)


◆ do_unmount()

void() do_unmount ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will unmount the seal mount (hardcoded in python)


◆ do_use_item()

void() do_use_item ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will use the item in pos [pos] in your inventory

/use_item [pos]

◆ do_user()

void() do_user ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print the count of the users online (related to this game core)


◆ do_user_horse_back()

void() do_user_horse_back ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will make you unsummon the horse (hardcoded in python ctrl+b)


◆ do_user_horse_feed()

void() do_user_horse_feed ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will make you feed the horse (hardcoded in python ctrl+f)


◆ do_user_horse_ride()

void() do_user_horse_ride ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will make you ride/unride the horse if spawned (hardcoded in python with ctrl+h)


◆ do_view_equip()

void() do_view_equip ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will see player [vid]'s equipment and inventory

/view_equip [vid]

◆ do_vote_block_chat()

void() do_vote_block_chat ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

disabled, but it would have been blocked the player [name]'s chat for 10 seconds in game

/vote_block_chat [name]

◆ do_war()

void() do_war ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

you will declare war against [guild_name] in the [war_type] modality, but only after the guild [guild_name]'s also declared war against your guild the war will begin (hardcoded in python)

/war [guild_name] [war_type]

◆ do_warp()

void() do_warp ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

1) if only [name] is specified, you will warp close to player [name];
2) if both [world_x] and [world_y] are specified, you will warp into those specified world coordinates


/warp [name]

/warp [world_x] [world_y]

◆ do_weaken()

void() do_weaken ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will weaken all the monsters close to you; if the additional [flag]="all" is specified, it will weaken every mob in the map

/weaken [&flag=all]

◆ do_weeklyevent()

void() do_weeklyevent ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will start the weekly event for the empire [empire]; if [empire] is not between 1~3, it will choose a random empire

/weeklyevent [empire]

◆ do_who()

void() do_who ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will print the count of the users online in the server (it will be wrong if the state_user_count file is not symlinked in each game core folder)


◆ do_xmas()

void() do_xmas ( LPCHARACTER  ch,
const char *  argument,
int32_t  cmd,
int32_t  subcmd 

it will set the relative [flag] to the specified command's flag;
/xmas_boom will switch day/night (0: day without event helper, 1: night with event helper, 2: day with event helper)
/xmas_snow will switch snow/not snow (0: not snow, 1: snow)
/xmas_snow will de/spawn santa (0: despawn santa, 1: spawn santa)


/xmas_boom [flag]

/xmas_snow [flag]

/xmas_santa [flag]